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  • PADI Open Water - Nitrox Bundle

PADI Open Water - Nitrox Bundle

We have created a great bundle for those that would like to not only get Open Water Certified as a scuba diver but also to get Nitrox certified.

Starting from

Availability: Contact us for booking information

Typically divers opt to dive a gas called Nitrox while on vacation instead of typical air given the safety factor Nitrox affords divers.

Open Water Class:$635 (PADI)

Nitrox Class:$260

You cost for both is:$825 a savings of $50.

(Must sign up for both classes at the same time)


The Medical Questionnaire below for any concerns that you may have or for any classes that you may have coming up.

Medical Questionnaire

Please call our shop at 260-490-3337 if you have any further questions about our courses!

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